Support Needed

Your Support needed

Good evening all, I hope that you are enjoying the Rally Programme put on for 2024, especially as we have now (finally) had some good weather.

2024/25 Rally Programme

As you are aware, Ian Carter has kindly offered to put a rally programme together for us, for next year, and to say this has been a challenge would be a massive understatement. We have had rally venues used by the Centre for many years no longer being available to us, and it is a very difficult task, as anyone that has held the Rally Sec role will be aware, to get new venues. Ian is planning that the Programme Presentation will be just that this year, as he intends to have the 2024/25 rallies tied up by then. I am aware that a few marshals who had agreed to run rallies in 2025 have yet to complete the confirmation paperwork. As we thank Ian for all of his hard work, can I ask you to help him, help us. At the same time can I ask as many as possible to book onto the rally 13-15th September, to see what Ian has managed to achieve.

Annual General Meeting and Rally

We have the AGM soon, which as you all know, hopefully, has been changed from Westcliff High School to Mayflower in Billericay. We are still holding a rally to coincide with the AGM, which will include a meal and entertainment. Can I ask you to please book onto the rally/attend the AGM. It is your chance to have a good time with fellow ralliers, and find out what is going on in your Centre, and even have the chance to shape it. Anybody that would like to join the committee is most welcome, it really can be good fun, and rewarding, so please talk to, or contact me or any other committee member.

Charity Year.

As previously published, if anybody would like to nominate a charity to benefit from the funds we hope to collect next year, there are just a few days to get your nominations into Janice Price. The committee will review the submissions and make the appropriate announcement at the AGM, so another reason to attend.

I have worked tirelessly this year to make this Centre the best it can be, in the current circumstances. I am now asking for your support . . . . . . . . and thanking you in advance.

Look forward to seeing you soon