Privacy Policy

South Essex Centre Privacy Policy

This privacy notice is for Caravan and Motorhome Club (the Club) members who have joined or wish to join the South Essex Centre of the Caravan & Motorhome Club. This notice explains how we (the South Essex Centre of the Caravan & Motorhome Club) will use your personal data during your membership of our Centre. To find out how the Club processes your personal data in other ways please  You can also find contact details for the Club and their Data Protection Officer there too.

Our Centre is part of the Club and is run on a voluntary basis by an elected Committee of Centre members according to the Club’s Centre Rules.  This means that the Secretary is the data controller of the personal data used to run our Centre.  

As a member, or potential member, of our Centre, we will collect the following personal data about you: Name, Address, Telephone number(s), Email address, Club membership number and Centre membership number.

Other personal data relevant to Centre activities, such as photographs, may also be processed on our web page and Facebook to promote our Centre.  You have the right to withdraw any photographs that contain your image at any time.

We will use this personal data to administer and communicate with you about your membership of our Centre and about events and activities run by our Centre. The Centre will also use the personal data to enable you to take part in committee elections, including if you decide to stand for election yourself.

When permission is given, only members names and Centre will appear on any Rally Programme containing an Attendance list.  No other personal information, including vehicle registration numbers, addresses etc. will be shown.

The Centre’s legal basis for processing your personal data for these purposes is that the Club has a legitimate interest in operating the our Centre and administering your membership of it and the processing is necessary to achieve these purposes.

The personal data used by the Centre is generally data that you give the Club when you become a member of the Club or renew your membership.  We take our responsibilities in relation to the collection, retention and processing of members personal data very seriously.   Personal data, including any images in photographs, is retained by us for the sole purpose of maintaining up-to-date membership records and to promote our Centre.  Under no circumstances will this information be passed on to anyone outside the Centre unless a third party supplier is involved in hosting an event for their Centre and needs your information so that you can attend the event.

The Centre’s Secretary and Chairman only have access to your personal data solely for the purpose of running our Centre.

To find out more about when the Club shares your personal data please

Whilst the Club may occasionally need to transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area as described in Section 3.9 of the Club’s Privacy Policy. We, your Centre, will not.

Your personal data will only be retained for as long as necessary to carry out the purposes outlined above and the other purposes explained in this notice as described in Section 3.14 of the Club’s Privacy Policy.

You have rights to control how we and the Club uses your data, including the right to ask us to stop using your data under certain circumstances. You also have the right to complain if you think that we or the Club has not used your personal data properly.  To find out about these rights please refer to Section 3.16 of the Club’s Privacy Policy