The South Essex Centre are pleased to welcome you to any of the rallies listed in the rally programme. Our rallies are simply a gathering of Caravan Club members, for a weekend or holiday, to promote friendship and common interests, in a light hearted manner and having some fun along the way.
The rally Marshals are ordinary Centre members who have volunteered their time to run and organise the rally, which includes arranging the site and services, signing the approach to the rally field and arranging the programme for our entertainment, which may include social evenings, local events, competitions and sports activities, or perhaps a trip. All of which you may join in, or of course, you are free to do your own thing.
It is quite simple to book these rallies. Just complete one of the rally booking slips and post it or if online booking is available, use the link from the rally programme on the website ensuring that the slips arrive with the marshal not before the date shown in the book or website.
If you are not a current member, please phone the marshal for the address to send the rally slip to. You will find their name and telephone number for each of the rally details in the book.
When you go to your booked rally, follow the directions given in the rally book, and when you are near the site you will see our direction signs which are YELLOW with SECC in BLACK lettering :-

As you enter the site you will see the rally marshals caravan, which is usually the first in the field. Please stop by their caravan, introduce yourselves and advise them if it is your first rally. They may give you an envelope either when you arrive or when you go to pay depending on the rally marshal. This will contain information of the programme for the rally, any competitions. tickets for socials or events that may have been arranged, your rally plaque (if ordered) showing that you attended the rally, and printed on the front, your cost of the rally.
You will then be shown to your pitch, normally marked with a peg, which you draw the offside front corner of your caravan up to, unless told otherwise. It is normal practice to park your car on the off-side of your caravan, thus enabling easy access to all caravans for other ralliers and emergency vehicles.
You will be advised where to find the drinking water tap and the elsan disposal point of which both should be signed. The drinking water tap must not be used for the cleaning of or direct charging of your toilet.
Dry waste/rubbish should be taken home with you unless the rally marshals have made arrangements for its disposal. You must take note of and abide by the few Centre Rules that are listed in the rally book and on this website.
As soon as possible, the Marshal for the rally will call on you and welcome you to our Centre and to your first rally. He/she will also tell you about the flagpole meeting which normally takes place towards the end of the rally, and is where we have a get-together, introduce our first ralliers and our visitors, thank our marshals, give out details of future events and results of any competitions.
Why not give it a try and please come and join us, as we all rally for pleasure and aim to share many enjoyable rallies.
General Rules for Members Attending Rallies :-
The South Essex Centre has produced a few rules to make rallies as enjoyable and safe for everyone attending them. Please obey them at all times. Remember also that the centre is also governed by the rules set down by the Caravan and Motorhome Club
Booking in: Slips fully completed in BLOCK CAPITALS should be TIMED to arrive on or after the advertised day. Slips arriving early will not be processed until postal applications received on the correct date have been recorded.
Cancelling: You may cancel at any time preferably by direct communication with the marshals or their assistants. All cancellations received during the seven days preceding a rally and all non-arrivals will incur a levy of £4 or the actual cost to the centre whichever is the greater. This amount to be sent to the appropriate committee member within 28 days. Non-payment will exclude you from further centre events.
Plaques: you must order plaques at the time of booking and in any event no later than fourteen days prior to the Rally. The cost is recouped in the rally fee payable to the marshal on arrival.
Weekend Rallies: Rallies will commence at the time stated in the Rally details. Please do not arrive at any Rally before the advertised start time or before 9.00 am Saturday morning. Marshals may refuse admission to the venue in these circumstances.
Caravans and Cars: All vehicles including second or visitors cars must be sited according to the marshals instructions. For security reasons please insure that your visitors check in with the marshal on arrival.
Driving of Vehicles: Learner or unlicensed drivers are prohibited from driving within the rally venue. A mandatory speed limit of 5 mph (walking pace) is enforced on all rally sites.
Animals: Pets are permitted but should be under control at all times. Dogs must be kept on a non extended lead on the rally field and exercising must take place away from the caravans with a competent person in control. When tethered, leads should not exceed 6 feet in length. Please remember that your pets are welcome but are your responsibility at all times.
Small Tents: toilet tents are permitted at all times. Tents for providing ancillary accommodation for the members immediate family may be erected with the marshals permission.
Chemical Toilets: Members are required to provide their own facilities and disposal points are always provided. Do not wash, rinse or fill a toilet or any part of a toilet at a drinking water taps.
Noise: Unnecessary or unreasonable noise should be avoided at all times. When returning from social events please be considerate of local residents and other members.
Refuse Disposal: Members are required to remove all personal refuse from the Rally site.
Social Functions: Payment is made by participating members only.
Advertising & Items For Sale: Trade advertising and the adverting of goods for sale is prohibited on the Rally field. Private advertising of Items for sale by means of the Centre Website is allowed and should be of a caravanning nature.
Value Added Tax: The Centre is part of a VAT registered organisation and this tax is chargeable on rally/site fees, activities and services provided.
Fire Precautions: Members are advised to carry appropriate fire extinguishers together with fire blankets and also to have a fire bucket available.
Rally Marshal’s Instructions: Rally Marshals have the overall responsibility for everyone present. Please comply with their instructions.
General: Although the prestige of our Club is high, the eyes of the public are constantly upon us. Please ensure that your actions or those of your family do nothing to detract from the goodwill built up with landowners over many years.
Kites and Aerials: Beware of erecting high TV or radio aerials directly under electricity cables. Also for safety reasons kites should be flown away from these lines and from caravans.
Reservation of Pitches: In order to maintain the welcoming ethos of Rallying to new of inexperienced members it is not permitted to reserve specific pitches on ordinary weekend Rallies. Marshals may waive this rule on the grounds of incapacity. If you wish to be sited together, please arrive together.
Prepayments: When payment in advance is required for a centre function this should be made preferably by cheque, which must be made payable to THE CARAVAN CLUB SOUTH ESSEX CENTRE.
Injury or Damage: Members, their families and guests attend and participate in all centre functions and activities entirely at their own risk. The Centre accepts no responsibility for personal injury or damage to property however caused.
Nominations for Officers and Committee: Must be proposed and seconded by a registered member of the centre. All nominations should be submitted on the special slip which can be found in the Rally Book. And should reach the centre secretary no later than 14 days before the AGM.
Further information on any of the above mentioned subjects may be obtained from the Centre Secretary.
Please read for your information
Bank charges incurred. Members who issue cheques to South Essex Centre that are not honoured when banked, will be required to reimburse the bank charges incurred by the centre due to the return and representation of the cheque.
Committee Meetings. Are usually held on the last Wednesday of each month.
Rally Plaques. New members receive a First Rally Plaque at flagpole and a £15 voucher off the cost of their 2nd rally, given by a Committee Member.
Fellowship Plaques. The fellowship plaque is given to members who attend at least TEN rallies with the centre commencing with the AGM rally.
100th rally plaque. This is a red shield inscribed 100th Rally. To qualify for this the member must attain 100 rallies with the centre.
200th Rally Plaque. This is a green shield inscribed 200th Rally. To qualify for this, the member must attain 200 rallies with the Centre.
The Eve Pickard Memorial Rosebowl Trophy. (formerly known as the Ivy Hacker Trophy). It was decided at the 1970 AGM that this trophy be presented to the first lady of the Centre.
The Stuart Anderson Trophy. This cup is presented to the South Essex Sports Person of the year.
The Carter Comport. This Unsung Hero Award is presented to the member or family who, in the opinion of the Chairman, deserves most recognition for their efforts behind the scenes in support of the centre.